Key Questions for Screening
If you’re searching for a qualified marketing consultant, it can be frustrating. While some consultants perform exceptionally well and add tremendous value, the vast majority who call themselves “marketing consultants” are massively underqualified (many cannot even properly define the term “marketing!”). Searching Google provides a wild array of hundreds of people, most of whom likely can’t help you. Unfortunately, anybody can call themselves a “marketing consultant” – but few have the actual capabilities to fulfill the job description.
As with other professions, a qualified marketing consultant for your firm will need to at least pass a minimum threshold of key criteria, including: education, breadth of experience, technical capabilities, client service skills, reputation, and business and administrative structure.
To help screen out consultants who may not be the best match for your firm’s marketing needs, here are five additional tips:
(1) Ask them to define marketing.
(2) Ask about their credentials and experience.
(3) Choose a specialist in law firm marketing.
(4) Seek someone with a business background.
(5) Ask whether they create strategies, implement them, or both.
Contact The Specialists in Law Firm Marketing to discuss your marketing needs. Click here to learn more about our marketing strategy services.